1. Equal obligation of all to work. Everyone pitches in and does their part for society. Their is not more burden on one person than another, so no one becomes angered about unfair labor.
2. Every child in public school is entitled to an equal and free education. Children are also taken away from the factory environment and are focused more on their education.
3. Abolition of Bourgeois property. Everyone is at the same place in society and not one person is ahead of the other. Everyone is equal!
4. Centralization of credit in the banks. State has control of everyone's money and makes sure that no one person becomes richer to an unfair extent than the other. Also centralizes government as a whole. All of the state's money is in one place.
1. High income taxes. The government is already standardizing everyone's income, taxing people high could cause revolt.
2. Combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries. Too much for one combination. Also two very different areas of production to be grouping together.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. No sense of family values. Money that would be inherited just flows back into the government and this could anger people.
4. Abolition of property and land goes to public service. No one has a sense of ownership or their own land. I feel like if everyone were to own an equal part of land it would be better than having the government own it all.
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